Carpet Cleaning Minneapolis MN | Lucas Family Carpet Cleaning

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5 reasons to add your Minneapolis carpets to your Spring cleaning checklist

Spring is in the air here in Minneapolis, MN.  Snow is melting. Kids are starting to play outside a little more. Homeowners are starting to think about airing out their home and develop their spring cleaning checklist. Before you get too far in washing the windows and clearing out the dust, it's important to add your yearly professional carpet cleaning to your list. 

Here are five reasons you should add carpet cleaning to your spring routine. 

1. Remove winter spots and stains

The primary reason you'll want to spring clean your carpets is those spots and stains.  Over the course of any season, your family is likely to track dirt and spill foods that can create unsightly spots and stains on your carpeting. Cleaning your carpets will give your home a fresh look and smell as you start opening those windows and enjoying the fresh air. 

2. Prevent mold growth

Did you know that your carpeting can grow mold under the right conditions? During the winter, you can track moisture into your home from snowy and rainy days. This moisture can sink into your carpet fibers and provide the conditions needed for mold growth. Scheduling a carpet cleaning in early spring can prevent mold and moisture from seeping into your home. 

3. Drive out your dust mites

As you close up your house and keep heat in, your carpet can attract dust mites. Dust mites are not an allergen, but what they leave behind can be. Booking a spring carpet cleaning can help you drive out the dust mites as you start breathing fresh air again. 

4. Eliminate trapped pollutants

Over time, your carpet can collect trapped pollutants which can impact the quality of your indoor air. These trapped pollutants include pet dander, insect allergens, and everyday dirt and dust. Your spring carpet cleaning and get rid of these pollutants and keep your carpet and air clean for your family. 

5. Purify your indoor air quality

After months of closed doors and windows, your home is ready to breathe fresh air again. Over the winter season, your indoor quality can become compromised with pollutants, dust mites, and moisture. A spring cleaning will reduce allergens and give you an overall improvement in indoor air quality.  

Ready to add carpet cleaning to your upcoming spring cleaning? 

Here at Lucas Family Carpet Cleaning, we have you covered. We'll work with you to clean your carpets and get your home ready for spring.