Carpet Cleaning Minneapolis MN | Lucas Family Carpet Cleaning

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Should I Have Carpet or Hardwood on My Stairs in My Minneapolis Home?

Spring is a great time for projects in Minneapolis. The warmer weather allows us to spend time outside, presenting an opportunity to open up your home to working on home improvements. A home’s aesthetic is important when deciding if your stairs should have carpets or just hardwood. Those aren’t the only things to think about though. 


If you have kids or animals, you’ll know that they love to run around and get places quickly. Hardwood floors are often slippery, making stairs dangerous if you aren’t careful. Housing elderly friends or family members in your home can also be dangerous with hardwood stairs. Carpets are the safer option for stairs because it isn’t slippery to walk on.

Wear and Tear

With everyday use, your floors see a lot of action. The chance of damaging the flooring on your stairs is higher with hardwood floors because they can get scratched. Carpets are more difficult to damage and can cost less to repair, depending on the damage. 


If you like your home to be more quiet, carpeted stairs might be a better option for you. Carpet fibers absorb sound waves, reducing echoes and noise. Flat surfaces, like hardwood floors, make noise bounce back into your house. It creates echoes and generally makes open spaces sound louder.


Carpets are notorious for collecting dust, dirt, and allergens. How you clean your flooring is also a factor. Vacuums have attachments for stairs, but it is easier to reach the corners with hardwood flooring. You’ll also want to consider if you want or have pets. Fur can gather into the edges and corners, making it difficult for people with allergies to visit. However, regular carpet cleaning can help by giving your carpets a deep clean and making it easier to clean in the future.

If you have or are getting carpets, there are easy ways to keep it clean. One of those ways is to get regular carpet cleaning services for a deep clean of your carpets. Call Lucas Family Carpet Cleaning to learn more about how we can help your carpets last longer and look great.