Three Common Issues With Office Chair Upholstery And How To Fix Them
If you’ve ever worked an office job, you know the connection you have with your chair is a special one. That chair is your support for 8 hours a day, going through the thick and thin of the day with you. Once something goes wrong with that one bit of reliable comfort, it can ruin the rest of the work week. A common issue doesn’t have to be the end of your comfort, though.
Fading color
The more often upholstery is left in the sun, the faster the color fades and the fibers break down. Not only does it look a little weird, it also isn’t good for the upholstery on the chair. The sun gives off ultraviolet (UV) rays, one step away from visible light rays. With a lot of exposure, UV rays can remove electrons from atom (Science Direct Journal), causing the material to break down. It is also what causes fading color on the upholstery fabric. Of course, the easiest way to prevent fading and wear of upholstery from the sun is to keep the chairs in the shade.
After eight hours and a lunch period, stains are bound to happen. First and foremost, it’s important to clean what was spilled right away. Avoiding the stain altogether by cleaning up spills as soon as they happen keeps your upholstery looking great for longer. If a stain does set in, make sure to spot clean the area. Check out our article on spot cleaning upholstery to see the protocol on cleaning any fabric so that you can find the right one for your office chair.
Uncomfortable cushion
Chairs are meant to last for many years, but that doesn’t always mean that they are comfortable for all of those years. The foam and materials that make up the seat of your chair flatten over time, depending on the quality and how often the upholstery is cleaned. Restoring comfort to your day can look like many things. Adding your own cushion is a simple and easy solution, but if you want something more permanent, replacing the seat or foam padding is what you’ll want to do. Make sure you have a new fabric cover to replace the one you’ll remove to replace the foam.
Most non-upholstery issues require a repair or replacement, but keeping up with the upholstery can be as simple as getting a professional upholstery cleaning. The Lucas Family process can keep your upholstery clean without using water to make sure the integrity of your chair’s upholstery is intact. Give us a call to schedule your office upholstery and carpet cleaning.