How to Clean Your Minneapolis Upholstery

Your Minneapolis home is the best place for lounging around and being comfortable. If you want to keep your home clean and dust free, it’s important to remember to clean your furniture, including that one chair or couch you sink into. You’ll have to be careful, though. Not all furniture can be cleaned the same way because cleaning solution and water can grow mold inside the cushion. How do you clean upholstery, then? 


Check the label

Each couch or cushioned chair you have has a factory tag that tells you what type of cleaner is recommended, or will give you cleaning instructions. The labels you’ll find are either W, water-based cleaner; S, solvent-based cleaner; WS, water- or solvent-based cleaner; or X, professional cleaning or vacuum only. With these guides, you’ll be able to find the right type of cleaner for your upholstery. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to make sure your upholstery is cleaned without damage.

Vacuum the upholstery

No matter what type of cleaner you use, vacuuming your upholstery cleans out the larger crumbs and dust. If you can remove the cushions, make sure to vacuum both sides. Use a lint roller for large clumps of pet hair. The crevice attachment is important for getting in between the cushions. The recommended way you vacuum depends on the type of fabric used on your upholstery. Gentle or delicate fabrics, such as silk and linen, should be vacuumed with low suction. Ribbed materials; such as corduroy, suede, and velvet; hold onto dirt and should be vacuumed in one direction, usually left-to-right. That way, the dirt is pulled one way, rather than spread around. 


Spot remove stains

Spots and stains on your furniture should be removed as much as possible before cleaning. Stains are more likely to be removed if treated right away, but can still be treated later. The type of spot cleaner you will want depends on the type of cleaner on the label. There are home remedies for water-based cleaners, but solvent-based spot cleaner will be harder to find. Check with your professional carpet cleaners to find out more about the spot cleaner that will work with your furniture. 

Clean the upholstery

Depending on the factory instructions, you may want to use different option. Water-based cleaners can be bought or can include a water and dish soap mixture. Solvent-based stains are found in stores and should be used to clean your furniture. If the solution you’re using has instructions, use those instructions to clean. If you make your own mixture, make sure to use warm water on W or WS material only. Once you have your cleaning mixture, use an upholstery brush or soft toothbrush to lightly touch the bubbles of the solution and scrub your furniture. 

Upholstery on furniture can be tough to clean. Call the experts at Lucas Family Carpet Cleaning to find out how you can save your headache and schedule an appointment for upholstery cleaning. We strive to use only the best materials that will clean your carpet and upholstery, without using water or solvent. We can clean any upholstery with our unique cleaning process. Learn more about our process by checking out our website.