Why Is Carpet Cleaning Important for Families with Pets?

Pets are a great addition to any family. From play times to cuddling, there are many reasons why pets are amazing. The only downfall is how your carpets and furniture are impacted by your pets. Chances are that you do a lot of vacuuming and cleaning on your own, but professional carpet cleaning is also important for many reasons. 



Everyone gets tummy troubles, even pets. The stains that happen because of vomit or diarrhea isn’t the only reason to get your carpets cleaned, even though it is still a good reason. There is a lot of bacteria in there that could make you or other members of your family sick. 

Tracked-In Germs

Dogs live part of their life outdoors, and cats often get litter in their paws. No matter how much you vacuum, there will still be dirt, dust, and other particles that are trapped in the carpet. For families with small children, this can be especially dangerous because it can make the kids sick. In the Minneapolis outdoors, pets can also get ticks and fleas that will infest your carpets. Professional carpet cleaning is important for getting rid of any bug infestations. 

Shedding Fur

Fur is a natural part of a lot of animals, but it brings along many different kinds of allergies and bugs. Dander is composed of dead skin off of your pets that get trapped in the fur. This is what a lot of people are allergic to. Getting those out of your carpets is difficult with just vacuuming. Oftentimes, professional carpet cleaning makes vacuuming easier and gets more of that out of your carpets. 


Bad Smells

Odors are, unfortunately, a large part of owning a pet. From stinky items they track into your home to the ones they make themselves, pets have a way of rubbing bad smells into your carpets. Vacuuming can get some of the odor out but not everything. Regular professional carpet cleaning is great for getting rid of those smells.

If you would like to learn more about how we can clean your carpets, contact us! We love helping every family or business renew their carpets and upholstery.