What's Hiding In Your Minneapolis Carpets?

Carpets are a great edition of any home. They are soft, comfortable, and keep your home warm in Minneapolis winters. If your home has carpets, it’s important to keep them clean to keep not only comfortable, but healthy for your family to be around. Not many homeowners know what could be hiding in their carpets, but we do. That’s why we provide carpet cleaning services and recommend to get a deep clean for your carpets once or twice a year, depending on your home situation. 


Dirt and dust

Dirt in your home is mostly attributed to people stepping on the carpets with their shoes on, but it can also come in through open windows from being in the air. This also creates dust. On average, dust trapped in carpets is 40 pounds in US homes. Most of this can be cleaned through regular vacuuming, but it is easier to vacuum up on carpets regularly cleaned professionally.

Skin and pet dander

Every person has skin cells that are created, die, and fall off. At the end of the day, the skin cells a person sheds weigh around one gram. Pets like cats and dogs also shed throughout the day but at different amounts depending on the time of the year. Additionally, dogs bring in dirt from outside and cats track litter. Between us and our pets, there are a lot of small particles hiding in the carpet!


Bed bugs, fleas, and dust mites are the top three bugs that you’ll find in your carpets. The comfort, warmth, and hiding places that your comfort provides makes it very appealing to these bugs, and they are very difficult to see. Homes with carpets often have more of these bugs than homes without. Carpet cleaning and regular vacuuming helps make sure that bugs are few and far between.


Between spilling on your carpets and humidity, your warm carpets make a great atmosphere for mold to grow. Mold can be a serious problem if it grows, and it’s difficult to detect at first. Regular cleaning is important to make sure no mold spores grow in your carpets and into your home. 


Germs, like mold, creep up and grow without being noticed. Between dust mites and air pollutants, germs can be not only annoying, but unhealthy for your family. Carpets sometimes act like a filter for germs and air pollutants. It catches them out of the air, but they don’t go away. Bacteria, smoke, chemicals, fungi, and allergens, to name a few, are some of the particles that get caught in carpets. If they aren’t cleaned properly, they can be released back into the air and make your family sick, especially for people with asthma or allergies. 

Keeping your carpets clean keeps your carpets feeling great and your family healthy. Call us to learn more about how we clean your home by checking out our process or contacting us.