Top 4 Reasons to Get The Carpets Cleaned When Selling a Home in Minneapolis

Nothing says “welcome home” more than a clean house. When you’re trying to sell a house, a dirty carpet is seen as gross and unwelcoming. This is also the case for houses selling around Minneapolis. If you are selling your home, you’ll want to make it look, smell, and feel clean to find an invested buyer. When it comes to carpets, you have two options. One is to replace the carpets. This might seem like overkill, especially when you’re moving out. The other option is to get the carpets professionally cleaned. This is a great idea for many reasons, but here are our top four.

Home value

A clean carpet can not only give potential buyers a good impression of the house, it also can increase the value of your home. Moving into a new home is already stressful on home buyers, but a clean carpet can make it easier. While someone lives in a home, carpets collect dust, dirt, pet dander, and more from the people and pets living in the house. A dirty carpet can be unsafe for other families that want to move in. The germs hiding in the home might make the new family sick, which makes cleaning it important. Another thing to remember is how the carpet looks. You, the seller, will want to be sure that the carpets will not have to be replaced and not.


Air quality

Every home’s air quality is affected by the allergens and dust in the carpets. Over time, this can lead to household members getting sick more often. Similarly, a new environment introduces new kinds of dust and other microorganisms. Every person has their own biome from past sicknesses that they are now immune to the germs that keep them healthy. Those are more microorganisms that can affect the air quality of a home. Because carpets have thick fibers, the dust, dirt, allergens, and other microorganisms can get stuck in the carpets around the home. Cleaning the carpets before selling your home can give a good impression and protect the future family that moves in from getting sick.


It’s no wonder how carpets can get a certain smell after all that happens in a home. After all, we do a lot on the carpets including walking, dancing, and playing. Not everyone does all of those, but the same thing happens in almost every home. Carpet odors come from feet, pets, all the different things you’ve cooked, and mildew if the carpets haven’t been cleaned recently. The fibers of the carpet can act like a sponge, soaking up all of the old smells that you’ve gone nose-blind to. Smell is an important factor when making a good first impression on potential buyers. It could also be the make-or-break of the sale.


Between getting a new carpet and cleaning the one already there, the more affordable choice is getting it professionally cleaned. Depending on the type of carpet you want to add in before selling your home, it could range anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars. Some installers will charge anywhere from $1 per square foot to $12 per square foot. It might not seem like a lot, but these costs can add up quickly. The average square footage of homes in Minnesota is 2,026 square feet. Not all of that is carpet, but even half of that square footage, replacing your carpets could range from $1,013 to $12,156 to replace the carpets. With professional carpet cleaning, you can expect to pay a lot less per room. With Lucas Family Carpet Cleaning, prices start at $40 per room, significantly lowering the costs for you and the future family that will live there.

Thankfully, you don’t have to overspend to tell your home. As an added bonus, our process leaves your carpet dry right away. Contact us to get a quote on carpet cleaning that will make the carpets in the house you’re selling look brand new.