Minneapolis Carpet Cleaning Is A Great New Years Resolution

At Lucas Family Carpet Cleaning, we all hope you are having a great new year so far! With the new year, comes resolutions. New Year’s resolutions aren’t a recent development. According to the History Channel, ancient Babylonians chose their yearly resolutions in spring when planting. This promise to the gods they worshiped would last the year, and they believed if it was honored, their gods blessed them. By 1740, Christians adapted it for the purpose of reflecting on the past year’s mistakes and vowing to do better in the new year. Now, it’s a chance to make a resolution to do or not do something in the next year. Is there a reason why one of those resolutions should be to get carpet and upholstery cleaning? Here are three reasons why it’s a great idea.

A fresh start to your new year

Professional carpet cleaning removes deep stains in your carpets. After a spill, stains can set into the fibers of the carpet. Cleaning the carpet will make it look better, but it might not get all of the stains that suck deeper into the carpet. These can resurface at any point during the new year, and they make it more difficult to clean other stains. Professional carpet cleaning can give your carpet a fresh start, help keep your carpets cleaner longer, and restore the softness and color of when you first got your carpets.

Prevents mold and mildew

If you’ve ever had mold or mildew in your home, you know that it can stick around for a long time. The spores from mold or mildew float around, getting caught in carpet fibers, but there is an easier way to make sure all of those spores are gone. Professional carpet cleaning can pick up particles deep into the carpets, removing anything stuck in the carpets – including mold and mildew spores. Removing them prevents mold and mildew from growing further and causing problems in your home.

Cleans up dust

Dust is a collection of microscopic particles from various sources, including pets, people, outdoors, and others. Along with these, dust can carry allergens and germs that can make your family sick. Because of the texture that most carpets have, dust can easily get stuck into your carpets. Regular vacuuming is one way to keep the dust out of your carpets, but it is easier to vacuum after a complete professional clean.

Breathe easier

Allergens and pollutants also embed themselves in your home’s carpets. Starting the year with a breath of fresh air is the best start to your year. Professional carpet cleaning improves the air quality by removing dust and relieves allergy symptoms by removing allergens. Not only will your family breathe better, but it also helps prevent your family from getting sick. 

Professional carpet and upholstery cleaning will get your year started right. Check out our process to learn more about how we get your carpet deep cleaned. Contact us to schedule your carpet or upholstery cleaning.