Carpet Cleaning Minneapolis MN | Lucas Family Carpet Cleaning

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When to Clean or Replace Your Minneapolis Carpet

Whether you’re moving into a new home for you, or you’ve been living in your Minneapolis home for years with the same carpets, you might start to wonder if you will have to get new carpets. Some carpets do have an age limit and should be replaced after some time, but there might also be a solution in carpet cleaning. How do you know when to clean your carpets or just replace them? There are signs to look for when you’re thinking about replacing your carpet, like the ones we’ve gathered to help you make the right decision. 

Wear and Tear

Just like everything in the world, carpets have an expiration date. Typically, carpets can last 10 years or longer if taken care of properly. However, as carpets age, the stain resistant treatment and integrity of the fibers break down and are more susceptible to damage. If your carpets have frayed or torn up edges, you will want to replace your carpets instead of professional carpet cleaning. 

Mold and Water Damage

Mold and water damage in your carpets is dangerous to your family’s health. While carpet cleaning can do many things, it cannot take away the mold without removing the carpet. Mold can go deep into your floors and carpets, making it difficult to properly clean without removal. If your home has deep water damage, mold can grow in the toughest places. Get your carpets replaced if they have mold or water damage to keep your family healthy and safe. 

Foul Smells

The occasional stinky carpet can easily be remedied by a carpet cleaning. If your carpet continues to reek after many cleaning attempts, it is probably time to get your carpets replaced. Odors that persist can alert you to a deeper problem in your carpets, such as mold. Replacing them with checks from professionals can help you find the source of the problem. 

Deep Stains

Most stains can be easily cleaned by carpet cleaners or professional carpet cleaners. However, there are a couple cases of a stain that has sunk into the carpet and can’t be removed by cleaning. Be sure to check with your professional carpet cleaner if it can be cleaned before spending the money to remove your carpet. 

In most cases, carpets can be cleaned instead of replaced. Save time and money by calling our carpet cleaning professionals at Lucas Family Carpet Cleaning. We are ready to help you with cleaning your carpets using our unique cleaning technology.