Carpet Cleaning Minneapolis MN | Lucas Family Carpet Cleaning

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Can Carpets Make You Sick?

All around Minneapolis, houses and offices alike install carpets for comfort and sound absorption. No one has time for daily cleaning, but your carpets will continue to get dirty every day. Most of what makes you sick are mold, dust, dirt, and pet hair. Playing with your kids or pets will kick up any particles into the air. While regular vacuuming is usually enough to improve your air quality, some particles will float around the room, increasing the risk of you and your family getting sick. Take note of any of these health issues that might lead to needing to take a look at getting professional carpet cleaning.

Respiratory and stomach issues

Coughing and trouble breathing can be a side effect of many things, but one of those is poor air quality from dirty carpets. The major issue that results in respiratory issues is mold growth in your carpets. Mold will start to grow in your carpets if part of your carpet is damp or if your home has high humidity. Stomach issues can also come up from mold. Mold will carry toxins that cause stomach irritation and infections. In some cases, damp carpets will start to promote salmonella. Be sure to get treatment for yourself and your carpets if you discover mold in the carpet.

Allergy and asthma flare ups

Those with allergies will already have a more difficult time with the seasons changing. The added dirt and dust that get stuck in your carpet fibers don’t help. Poorly cleaned or uncleaned carpets release dirt and dust particles just by walking on them. An increased amount of them will irritate anyones lungs but especially those with allergies and asthma. Be sure to keep a clean home!

Skin irritation

Once in the air, dirt, dust, and anything else from your carpet will be constantly brushing against your skin, leading to skin irritation. Some of the most common causes of skin irritation from your carpets are dust mites, fungus, and bacteria. If you get rashes, athlete’s foot, or eczema after walking on your carpets, it is time to get your carpets professionally cleaned.

Immune system issues

Your body is constantly at war with various bacteria that threaten illness. Dirty carpets only increase the amount of bacteria that are in your home, which in turn, increases the amount of bacteria that your body has to fight. If you and your family members are getting sick often, it might be time to deep clean your carpets and furniture.

If your carpet gets musty from time to time. It may be time for a professional cleaning. Give us a call at Lucas Family Carpet Cleaning to make sure your home is ready to take on the new school year and keep your family healthy.